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Search Intakes by Community Health Worker

Provider ID: 153128
Location of care:
Primary Language spoken by provider: Somali,English someCan read/write language: Yes
Other languages spoken: Somali, EnglishRead/Write: Somali, English
Children in care are: FamilyNumber: 1Ages: 2yrs
Healthy and Safe Environment Concerns:
Child Development Concerns:
  • How do I help children that have difficult? behavior (setting limits and sticking to them)
  • What can I do if they are not learning/talking like I think they should?
Healthy Children:
  • Working with children with special healthcare needs
Healthy Caregiver Concerns:
  • Coping with stressful situations
Other Concerns:

DIRECTOR on call, said we will call Tuesday to make contact and follow up on this “Urgent enrollment” of great grandmother and On phone with grandmother to enroll. The Child is 2 1/2.The child is “way too active. ” No discipline. Don’t listen. Throwing. Punching. Eating problems. Does not want to wear clothes even take off diapers. Not allowed to have contact with mom or dad due to drug alcohol and domestic violence. Goes to daycare in the morning 830 t
– 9am ,come home 3:30-4:30 p.m. but does not want to go to sleep even as late as 10 o’clock p.m. Grandmother call from Alberta Canada phone number 780200 – 5800.

Consultation Visits