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Search Consultation Visits by Community Health Worker

Visit Date: October 3, 2019ID Number: 153160
Visit Count: Children Served: select numberCSW ID Numb:[138]

Consultation services Delivered

Topics Covered

Healthy and safe environment: Answered: Yes
Nutrition (meal planning, menu review, food safety, allergies, breastfeeding/infant feeding): Answered: Yes
Physical activity and outdoor time: Answered: Yes

During Visit it was noted that the baby was able to take the outlet covers out of the outlets. Discussed with the Provider the importance of keeping the outlets covered and the children safe from being electrocuted. They have new covers but have not been able to find them to install them. Showed her how to put the chair in front of the outlet to restrict access until they find and install the new covers. She reports that the tribe is still not sending money, clothes or any thing to help them. Called the tribe and left a message. Will meet with Provider and one of her adult children to be able to communicate clearly, so she can make decisions about next steps. Baby is walking and loves to be outside with his brother and uncle. Provider reports that it helps him sleep. He likes both Somali and American food and is a good eater.

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