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Search Consultation Visits by Community Health Worker

Visit Date: July 17, 2019ID Number: 153160
Visit Count: Children Served: select numberCSW ID Numb:[138]

Consultation services Delivered

In-person Consultation services Delivered Answered: Yes
Consultation with providers/caregivers on administering ASQ: Answered: Yes

Topics Covered

Nutrition (meal planning, menu review, food safety, allergies, breastfeeding/infant feeding): Answered: Yes
Child-caregiver relationships: Answered: Yes
Development screening, early identification, and referrals: Answered: Yes
Community resources and referrals: Answered: Yes

During Home Visit the Provider showed PM paperwork that indicated another grandchild has been placed in her care from the Native Tribe in Montana where their mother is from. She had requested formula and diapers as she has no paperwork to show WIC or the State of Washington that the baby has been placed (through Foster Care) with her. Contacted the Tribal SW and requested a letter of placement so Provider can get resources for this new grandchild. She wants support to find out where she is on the Habitat for Humanity list.

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