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Search Consultation Visits by Community Health Worker

Visit Date: May 24, 2019ID Number: 153102
Visit Count: Children Served: 3CSW ID Numb:[138]

Consultation services Delivered

In-person Consultation services Delivered Answered: Yes

Topics Covered

Nutrition (meal planning, menu review, food safety, allergies, breastfeeding/infant feeding): Answered: Yes

Provider stressed about grandchildren interaction effect on each other. Consultation Clearly the Showing signs of Being situation appropriate. Her younger 7 year old brother on the other hand is being age appropriate and not very acclimated to situations. The infant a little over one is well behaved and good spirited and very age appropriate. Provider talk about his trip to see his older son and his desire to take them to broaden their horizon by taking them on trips out of the country. Fed all to support stress reduction by not having to feed them immediately after work. Btw Checked on summer Camp programs with the YMCA the location his grandchildren want to return to doesn’t seem to be planned at this time. Well continue next week looking further.

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