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Search Consultation Visits by Community Health Worker

Visit Date: May 1, 2019ID Number: 153120
Visit Count: Children Served: select numberCSW ID Numb:[138]

Consultation services Delivered

In-person Consultation services Delivered Answered: Yes

Topics Covered

Medication management: Answered: Yes
Physical activity and outdoor time: Answered: Yes

Provider used to get payment from the State and is now dealing with an over-payment. Supported the client in contacting the State and requesting a change in her hearing date as is falls on the last day of Ramadan and that is a holy day for her. Worker took request and will notify Provider if it is approved. Provider reports that even though she is worried about the money, she feels less stress because she has support. Her allergy medication is working better and she reports having more energy for the children and can now take them to the park.

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