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Visit Date: June 4, 2019 ID Number: 153124
Visit Count: Children Served: 1 CSW ID Numb:[138]

Consultation services Delivered

In-person Consultation services Delivered Answered: Yes

Topics Covered

Nutrition (meal planning, menu review, food safety, allergies, breastfeeding/infant feeding): Answered: Yes
Child-caregiver relationships: Answered: Yes
Mental/behavioral health & social-emotional development: Answered: Yes

Consultation with provider and child concerning the differences and struggles in the routine of the day since returning full-time with mother. Child struggled with listening to instructions, consistently voiced his dislike of going to school (daycare) particularly about the current one he attends, language is more demanding and redirection is needed. Ate breakfast with no problems or complaints. Seems apparent that the change back to full-time with mother has impacted child’s demeanor and routine.