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Visit Date: May 10, 2019 ID Number: 153255
Visit Count: Children Served: select number CSW ID Numb:[138]

Consultation services Delivered

In-person Consultation services Delivered Answered: Yes
Consultation with providers/caregivers on administering ASQ: Answered: Yes
Developmental screenings administered directly to children: Answered: Yes

Topics Covered

Healthy and safe environment: Answered: Yes
Nutrition (meal planning, menu review, food safety, allergies, breastfeeding/infant feeding): Answered: Yes
Child-caregiver relationships: Answered: Yes
Development screening, early identification, and referrals: Answered: Yes

Provider noted that her older grandson goes to his mother’s tonight and her stress level goes up because the mom is so unpredictable that she worries for her grandson. Her younger grandson (3 years old) continues to have trouble with speech even with tubes in his ears. She will talk with parents about doing developmental screenings and referring him for speech therapy if it is indicated. She reported that her granddaughter had a 45 minute tantrum because she would not let her have more junk food. Talked about allowing her to pick healthy foods and letting her know in advance that she can only have one of these (when she hands her a treat).