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Count total Intakes over a period

Provider ID: 153114
Location of care:
Primary Language spoken by provider: English, Can read/write language: Yes
Other languages spoken: English Read/Write: English
Children in care are: Family Number: 1 Ages: 0-1 yrs
Healthy and Safe Environment Concerns:
Child Development Concerns:
  • How do I help children that have difficult? behavior (setting limits and sticking to them)
  • What is a Developmental Screening?
Healthy Children:
Healthy Caregiver Concerns:
  • Taking care of yourself (body / mind / soul)
Other Concerns:

She is a hand full. So your fiance is in hospice care is that traumatic She said always 62 desk as still as still too soon you know. Found out yet cold and cancer oh my goodness OK alright caesars and strokes S terrible yeah OK I got you I understand that and you know will talk later about that.

Consultation Visits before January 2020 Consultation Visits After January 2020